EASA, ICAO & GCAA Approved Cabin Crew Training - Dubai, UAE

Dakar, Senegal

Sicily, Italy

Dubai, UAE

Hyderabad, India

Lismore, Australia

Gold Coast, Australia

Beirut, Lebanon

Montpellier, France

3 weeks (theoretical) + 3 days (review) + 6 days (practical)

Contact our Admissions Team

Airways Aviation will deliver its long standing EASA Cabin Crew theory classes, (based on its ESMA, France courses) to students in Dakar, Senegal. . Students will then have the option to complete their practical training in Dakar or be sent on to either the Airways Aviation - ESMA Montpellier  practical training facilities or our renowned industry partners Dynamic Advanced Training state-of-the-art facilities in Dubai to complete the practical part of their training.

Airways Aviation -  ESMA Practical Cabin Crew Training Facility - Montpellier, France

Airways Aviation Academy – ESMA is certificated by the French Civil Aviation as Official Exam Center to offer the full CCA training, theoretical and practical  in Montpellier. We maintain and operate scale models of various aircraft including:

A320 Scale model

ATR Scale model

CRJ Scale model

F100, Scale model

A340 Scale model

B747 Scale model with doors and evacuation slides.

See Esma.fr  for more information

Dynamic Advanced Cabin Crew Training Facility - Dubai, UAE

DYNAMIC is the leading independent provider of aviation safety training in the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia (MENASA) region with a cutting-edge facility that offers comprehensive Crew Safety & Emergency Procedures (SEP) training, including both theoretical as well as hyper-realistic, hands-on training, using industry-leading simulators and training equipment. Dynamic is compliant with international regulations including the GCAA, EASA and FAA.  

State-of the art equipment & facilities include:-

A330/777 Full Flight Cabin Simulator                
A320/737 Full Flight Cabin Simulator

Business Jet Full Flight Cabin Simulator

Business Jet Cabin Simulator

Polar Survival Simulator

Jungle Survival Simulator

Real Fire Fighting Simulator

A350 Door Simulator                
787 Door Simulator

Water Survival Pool

Hypoxia Simulator

See  dynamic-advanced.com for more information     ADD THE DYNAMIC LOGO HERE

  • English Speaking
  • 18 years or over
  • Bac or similar level
  • Ability to swim
  • Good health condition
  • Tidy presentation