Bachelor of Business & Enterprise (Aviation Management) & Commercial Pilot Licence – Southern Cross University

Gold Coast
3 years (total course)
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Southern Cross University (SCU) and Airways Aviation have teamed up to offer you a university qualification with the addition of a fully accredited CASA Commercial Pilot License.

Get a university qualification with Southern Cross University

Bachelor of Business and Enterprise (Aviation Management) degree

SCU is committed to cultivating the next generation of leaders in the global aviation industry.

Southern Cross University and are the only Australian university situated adjacent to an international airport. This provides the perfect setting for students who want a tailor-made start to their aviation career.

The aviation industry is one of the most dynamic industries on Earth. As technology develops and demand increases, the core skills required by the aviation industry have diversified. Pilots and aviation management professionals need critical reasoning, communication and management skills required to thrive in a complex, highly competitive, global industry.

Southern Cross University provides flexible options to study the 3007150 Bachelor of Business and Enterprise (Aviation Management), CRICOS Code: 102200K.

Incorporate a fully accredited Commercial Pilot’s Licence into your aviation management degree by completing year two at one of our partner pilot training centres and year one and three at Southern Cross University.

What could my aviation management program look like in each year?

First year
Includes these core units:

BUSN1004 Starting a Business
BUSN1006 Solving Wicked Problems
BUSN1007 The Interconnected World
BUSN1008 Business Practice and Impact
BUSN2001 Professional Development for the Workplace
BUSN3003 Entrepreneurship and Innovation
COMM1004 A Culture of Enquiry
COMM1005 A Culture of Dialogue

Second year
Students undertake their commercial pilot training with our approved pilot training centres.

Credit granted: 8 units, of a total of 24 (33% of the course). For confirmation view

Third year
Students return to Southern Cross University to complete their their Aviation Management major:

BUSN2005 Airline Operations
LAWS2029 Aviation Regulation and Law
MGMT3002 Human Factors in Aviation
MGMT3003 Airport Management
TOUR2005 Aviation Management
TOUR2012 Transport for Sustainability
BUSN2010 Service Design Thinking
MRKT2007 Digital Marketing Strategies

*Please note: courses, units and fees are subject to change, without notice. For start dates, annual tuition and other fee details view the Bachelor of Business and Enterprise (Aviation Management).

Students are required to pay OSHC for the duration of their visa in advance and pay the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) and indicative non-tuition fees such as textbooks, stationery and sundry costs.

Airways Aviation:

Become a qualified commercial pilot with Airways Aviation

The Airways Aviation Diploma of Aviation (Commercial Pilot Licence – Aeroplane) and Diploma of Aviation (Instrument Rating) is approved by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) and has been designed in conjunction with industry experts.

Upon completion graduates have the skills and knowledge needed to fly as a professional pilot. The Airways Aviation Diploma of Aviation (CPL) comprises two pilot license types issued as students achieve the required level of skill:

  1. Private Pilot License (PPL)
  2. Commercial Pilot License (CPL)

Our Diploma of Aviation (IR) offers advanced flight training conducted on a multi-engine class aeroplane.

A double diploma in flight training

A minimum of 190 hours flying including at least:

  • 70 hours as pilot in command
  • 20 hours cross country as pilot in command
  • 10 hours instrument flight time
  • 10 hours dual instrument in-flight
  • 5 hours night flight including 1 hour solo circuits


Entry Requirements

  • Qualification equivalent to an Australian Year 12, with the required entry grade
  • English language comparable to Academic IELTS 6.0 with no band less than 5.5